CA: 60 Organizations Jointly Request Significant Parole and Probation Changes During Pandemic


A group of 60 organizations, including ACSOL, are jointly requesting that parole and probation agencies in California modify existing supervision conditions, policies and practices to align with public health recommendations in order to protect the lives of more than 400,000 people under their supervision.  Included in the request is the end of in-person registration.

“ACSOL and its members need to share the list of requests with local county government officials, including county boards of supervisor, county probation departments and local sheriff’s departments,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci.  “This can be done using social media as well as by phone and email.”

Root & Rebound, a non-profit organization, is leading this effort.  Additional information regarding the non-profit as well as this effort can be found at


2020.03.27_COVID-19 Recommendations to CA Parole_Probation


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Hm, how does this play out with ab 433 “probation notice to victim” that was signed by Newsom in October last year?

A bill that oddly enough seemed rushed since its only purpose it seems is to add additional provisions to Marsy’s law which was passed in 2008…yet nobody seemed to need these provisions before…? Could it be some attempt to keep Marsy’s law defendants from revealing the truth of Marsy’s laws’ unconstitutionality and keep tieing them up in probation?

Hey these sixty organizations may help our Org. in the future! Even though most are for incarcerated and Parole/Probation Inmates released. But good to see! With more in numbers the Gov. himself may see with the assist of his aides and of course CASOMB and Root & Rebound helping again! Glad we’re all together in this.
Thanks for sharing this power that may just make a change before paying for more suits.

Let’s not forget about all the people under federal supervision. This is a great county and state effort that should be expanded to the federal system as well. Including the stopping of in person registration under federal law.

Yes ab its been a lot of years since I’ve heard comments from Janice’s group, but whoever came up with that idea has something their. I have never lived in a Commonwealth state before and their are ssome strange laws believe me. Each staste is different with rules, regulations, stipulations, or whatever.

Time to get a good pitchman involved in a different unique way or whos’ being the barker for relief in many of these sex offender ordeals. Even woman against the registry is unique or mothers against drunk drivers. Even the pro’s and cons about abortion can be a chance undertaking but the idea is their.

In my hometown we all use to walk to school cours thatt was back in the late 60’s .Sometimes thats not reasible or should a kid have a can of mace in his or her backpack just in case. I’m sure many of you all would of liked to of maced a teacher too or someone but that would be stupid.

Should one get a PTA organization involved with understandings about registry issues and that may open up new doors for many or would that be a bit oxymoron. Ever heard of a new door polcy or new deal or open door policy. I’mfor the bandiment of much or all of this registry in many ways.

At times we all can think NARSOL, WAR, or ACSOL is just playing horseshoes but making a ringer is good in every ordeal even when it goes to a court of law. There ya go.

And see I knew you all had some brains and good comments in this mixed up sex registry ordeal. See one of the key elements is listening. Even in High School its listening. Or who is overtaking you in a fault? Oh and michael B isn’t mother nature the best science teacher. Of course we all need science or are we all still writting in hieroglyphic’s. Hey I was so stupid growing up I didn’t even know my ABC’s.

@dph its a good point for everyone to understand. I’m sure that is a positive way for all.

While I applaud the efforts to end the in person registering during this pandemic, my frustration seems to stem from the opposite as my in person sex offender treatment/weekly class has been suspended/cancelled/postponed.

I understand the current crisis and why we dont meet (although the group size was under the 10 person cdc guidelines). I was ok with missing one or two weeks, but now it is looking like it will be closer to 8-10 weeks.

It is my understanding that this weekly class is something that must be completed for all registrant parolee/probationers before being released from parole. I believe if I finish this class I could be off probation/parole in october, however, with missing this time I wont have the treatment completed in time and will be on parole for an additional 12 month for failure to complete the treatment program.

Im sure there are others in this same predicament, wondering if anything can be done. I suggested that we take the class “online” or through a zoom app/conference call/video conference. There are plenty of options but sex offenders on computers seems to be a whole other issue (even in a time of social distancing where everyone else is being encouraged to get onto computers)